Kiwanis Club Book Vending Machine
A local service project that will provide a book vending machine for First Street Elementary has received a grant from the International Kiwanis Children’s Fund. “Members of the Kiwanis Club of Lincoln are excited to have received this grant, which will assist in our effort to help children thrive, prosper and grow,” said Colette Sullivan, Vice President and co-chair of the grants committee. “ Our club focuses on community initiatives and children’s centered projects, striving to uplift local children by fostering growth and empowerment for a brighter future. We have a particular focus on literacy, working with all of the Western Placer Schools.”
Colette said the project was selected based on community needs. “We worked with Lyndsay Reynolds, First Street Elementary Principal, to address her primary concern- literacy. Lyndsay asked if our club could find a way to purchase a book vending machine, which has been shown to improve literacy through improved student engagement in reading.
Additional funding for the project is coming from the First Street Parent Teacher Organization and the Cynthia Liddell and Alan Tottle Foundations. Colette continues “ we are passionate about raising funds which allows us to donate to programs that support the youth in our community. We initiate projects and collaborate with other city groups, city government, service clubs, churches, law-enforcement, and schools. We also help support various community organizations: the Lighthouse, the Salt Mine, Sober Grad Night, the Police Activities League, the Foundry, school sports and theater programs”. Colette states “the Club’s primary fundraiser is the selling of Sees Candy on major holidays. Over the last 22 years, our Club has contributed over a million dollars to youth programs in the Lincoln community.” Cynthia Liddell, Club Community Liaison, says the club welcomes new members. ‘’ We are like-minded people from varied backgrounds, interested in providing opportunities and a healthy living environment for every child in our community. The Club meets at 5:30 pm the first and third Wednesday of every month at their Clubhouse, located in the old downtown Lincoln Feed building, 424 Lincoln Blvd, suite 203. Come be our guest at a meeting anytime!”.
“Kids need Kiwanis, now more than ever before, and this book vending machine is an example of how our club can help address a critical need in our community,” said Cynthia. For information about the Kiwanis Club of Lincoln, visit www.lincolnkiwanis.org, or call 916-581-2045 to leave a message. The Kiwanis Children’s Fund raises money and provides support for Kiwanis clubs around the world for projects related to childhood health and nutrition, education, literacy and youth leadership development. Go to kiwanischildrensfund.org for more\ information.
About Kiwanis International
Founded in 1915, Kiwanis International is a global organization of clubs and members dedicated to serving the children of the world. Kiwanis and its family of clubs, including Circle K International for university students, Key Club for students age 14-18, Builders Club for students age 11-14, K-Kids for students age 6-12 and Aktion Club for adults with disabilities, annually dedicate more than 18.5 million service hours to strengthen communities and serve children. The Kiwanis International family comprises more than 537,000 adult and youth members in 85 nations and geographic areas. Visit kiwanis.org for more information.